Tinjauan E-Learning Untuk Teknologi Energi Baru Terbarukan Di Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia


  • Dwi Otik Kurniawati UNU Yogyakarta
  • Taufiq - Kamal UNU Yogjakarta
  • Ahmad Ghuril Muhajjalin UNU Yogjakarta




E-learning, Technology, Renewable Energy, Moodle


Information technology is very environmentally friendly. As a result, the use of e-learning platforms as a medium in renewable energy education is a creative method to empower teaching for students and researchers to take action for sustainable development. This article provides a comparison of several existing e-learning platforms for energy education learning media.

E-learning platforms such as Energy University and Power Energy Lab E-learning and others are presented and qualitative comparisons between platforms are made. Generally, they use dynamic websites which are developed manually or they use a Content Management System. They provide a variety of teaching materials, although, there are other, more effective and tailored ways to learn in a distance learning environment. This article also highlights a vision of an applied e-learning platform, based on a study on renewable energy in Indonesia. In this context, a detailed selection is made among the various open source platforms to select the one that best fits the training environment and vision. As a result, choices were made on the Moodle platform


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How to Cite

Kurniawati, D. O., Kamal, T. .-., & Muhajjalin, A. G. (2020). Tinjauan E-Learning Untuk Teknologi Energi Baru Terbarukan Di Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia. JE-Unisla, 5(2), 376–382. https://doi.org/10.30736/je.v5i2.459



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