An Easy Way To Determine The Flexural Quality Of Asphalt Is Using ASTM D113 – 07 and SNI 2432:2011


  • Surya Pratama Kadiri University
  • Andri Dwi Cahyono Kadiri University
  • Candra Dwi Saputra Kadiri University
  • Lina Budi Lestari Kadiri University
  • Puput Buqin Laso Kadiri University
  • Febynia Ananda Putri Kadiri University
  • Puji Rahayu Febyningtyas Kadiri University



Ductility, Asphalt, ASTM D113 – 07, SNI 2432, 2011, 2018 Highways Specification Revision 3


Asphalt is a material that has non-volatile properties and softens gradually when heated and functions as a binder for aggregates and as a surface covering material to make it impermeable to water. However, asphalt also has a weakness. Namely, it is easy to crack and be damaged when vehicles pass through the main road. To overcome cracked and worn roads, it is necessary to test the ductility of asphalt so that the road becomes flexible/plastic. This ductility test is very important because it greatly affects the pavement layer; Therefore, a ductility test is needed to determine the level of plasticity of an asphalt. The asphalt ductility test method refers to the specifications of ASTM D113 – 07 and SNI 2432:2011 with 3 samples of test objects and a test instrument called a ductilometer of type TAS – 250. Based on the ductility test, the asphalt ductility reaches an average elongation of 117.33 cm; This value indicates that the plasticity level of the asphalt has met the specifications and can be used in sustainable pavement construction layers because it has good plasticity.


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How to Cite

Pratama, S., Cahyono, A. D., Saputra, C. D., Lestari, L. B., Laso, P. B., Putri, F. A., & Febyningtyas, P. R. (2022). An Easy Way To Determine The Flexural Quality Of Asphalt Is Using ASTM D113 – 07 and SNI 2432:2011. Civilla : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Lamongan, 7(1), 1–12.

