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About the Journal
Jurnal Title | : | Civilla : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Lamongan |
Initial | : | CVL |
Sinta | : | 4 (Four) |
Frequency | : | Two issues per year (March and September) |
DOI | : | 10.30736/cvl.v2i2 |
P-ISSN | : | 2503-2399 |
E-ISSN | : | 2620-7222 |
Editor In Chief | : | Nur Azizah Affandy |
Man Editor | : | Rio Rahma Dhana |
Publisher | : | Litbang Pemas - Universitas Islam Lamongan |
Language | : | English |
Cit. Analysis | : | Google Scholar |
Indexing at | : | Google Scholar, Garuda, Sinta |
Journal of Civilla Journal of Civil Engineering of the Islamic University of Lamongan Civilla aims to advance the development of sustainable infrastructure, as well as the dissemination of conceptual ideas and implementation in construction management. In particular, we seek to publish work with the potential to make real-world contributions to improving community preparedness. This includes original research, technical notes, policy articles, and editorials from the following civil engineering fields. Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Construction Management
Civilla publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects covering construction management: some construction work and construction engineering includes planning and implementation of construction. Articles explaining the topics of structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, water resources engineering, transportation engineering and construction management.
Current Issue
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): SEPTEMBER
Study Planning of Check Dam Using Waste Tires at Sumbersari UB Forest Area
Abstract views: 113 ,
PDF downloads: 56
Effect of Gypsum Waste Stabilization in Clay Soil on California Bearing Ratio Value
Abstract views: 102 ,
PDF downloads: 63
Analysis on the Performance of Passenger Terminal Services at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali
Abstract views: 91 ,
PDF downloads: 53
Development of Isohyet Map of Design Rainfall using Spatial Interpolation at Various Return Periods in Sadar Sub-Watershed
Abstract views: 96 ,
PDF downloads: 64
Risk Analysis of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Using the HIRADC Method on Chiller Replacement Works: A Case Study
Abstract views: 148 ,
PDF downloads: 94
Evaluation of Alternative Traffic Engineering Management with the Use of Microscopic Simulation Software Vissim
Abstract views: 129 ,
PDF downloads: 68
Channel Capacity Evaluation Model Using Storm Water Management Model
Abstract views: 82 ,
PDF downloads: 40
Study of the Role of Construction Companies on the K3 Management System as an Effort to Improve the Quality of the Company
Abstract views: 91 ,
PDF downloads: 109