About the Journal
Journal title | Jurnal teknika |
SINTA | 3 (Vol.14 No.2 2022 s/d Vol.19 No.1 2027) |
Frequency | Two issues at year (March and September) |
DOI | 10.30736/teknika |
ISSN Print | 2085-0859 |
ISSN Online | 2620-4770 |
Ed. In Chief | Siti Mujilawati, S.Kom.,M.Kom |
Man. Editor | Elly Fitriani S.Kom |
Publisher | Fakultas Teknik, Univesitas Islam Lamongan |
Cite Analyze | Google Scholar |
Indexed by | Google Scholar, Dimension, Garuda |
Jurnal teknika published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Lamongan. We invite lecturers, researchers, practitioners, and reviewers to contribute to the Jurnal teknika. The Jurnal teknika is a journal that contains scientific articles resulting from research and trials by researchers to be published as a reference for other researchers. The Teknika Journal aims to communicate and become a means of developing innovation and new technology to all readers for further research.
The Jurnal teknika began publishing online in 2016, and until now this journal is published every March and September.
Current Issue
Jurnal teknika
Alat Penyangrai Dua Variabel Green Beans
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Moorhythm: Seleksi Album K-Pop Berdasar Preferensi Penggemar Dengan Moora
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Aplikasi Edukasi Pengenalan dan Pengasah Daya Ingat Ragam Aksara
Abstract views: 58 , PDF downloads: 50 -
Prototype Keamanan Portal Otomatis Menggunakan Face Recognition System
Abstract views: 105 , PDF downloads: 57 -
Analisis Value Engineering Pekerjaan Rehabilitasi Saluran Drainase Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu
Abstract views: 83 , PDF downloads: 63 -
Analisis Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih Kampung Kasai Kecamatan Pulau Derawan Kabupaten Berau
Abstract views: 66 , PDF downloads: 89 -
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Jual Beli Gurame Dengan Pendekatan Equivalence Partitioning
Abstract views: 34 , PDF downloads: 43