About the Journal

Journal title  Jurnal teknika
SINTA  3 (Vol.14 No.2 2022 s/d Vol.19 No.1 2027)
Frequency  Two issues at year (March and September)
DOI 10.30736/teknika
ISSN Print  2085-0859
ISSN Online  2620-4770
Ed. In Chief  Siti Mujilawati, S.Kom.,M.Kom
Man. Editor  Elly Fitriani S.Kom
Publisher  Fakultas Teknik, Univesitas Islam Lamongan
Cite Analyze  Google Scholar
Indexed by  Google Scholar, Dimension, Garuda


Jurnal teknika published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Lamongan. We invite lecturers, researchers, practitioners, and reviewers to contribute to the Jurnal teknika. The Jurnal teknika is a journal that contains scientific articles resulting from research and trials by researchers to be published as a reference for other researchers. The Teknika Journal aims to communicate and become a means of developing innovation and new technology to all readers for further research.

The Jurnal teknika began publishing online in 2016, and until now this journal is published every March and September.

Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 2 (2024): SEPTEMBER
Published: 2024-09-06

Jurnal Teknika

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