The Shear Strength of Clay Stabilized with Palm Bunch Ash and Cement


  • Teguh Waluyo Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Muthia Anggraini Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Lusi Dwi Putri Universitas Lancang Kuning



Clay, Cohesion, Shear Strength, Soil Stabilization


Roads with soft subgrade have low bearing capacity. The result is non-uniform soil settlement. One way to overcome this is with soil stabilization. Stabilization of clay soil is done chemically with palm bunch ash and cement. The purpose of this study was to determine the bearing capacity of soil for the shear strength value of clay soil with variations in mixing 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% oil palm bunch ash, and 10% cement with a 7-day curing period, and then the samples were tested using a direct shear test tool SNI 3420: 2016. The results showed that in the addition of a mixture of oil palm bunch ash and cement with levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 10% cement, the cohesion value increased at a percentage of 20% oil palm bunch ash and 10% cement, namely 0.5448 kg/cm2 compared to the cohesion value in the original soil of 0.0081 kg/cm2, an increase of 98.51%, and a shear angle value of 53.12° while the value of the original soil shear angle was 16.93°. This research concludes that the shear strength value of clay soil stabilized with oil palm bunch ash and cement increases.


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Author Biography

Lusi Dwi Putri, Universitas Lancang Kuning

Roads that have subgrades with soft soil types (clay) have a very low bearing capacity, as a result of which the road construction built on them will be damaged. As a result, there is no uniform reduction in land. One method to overcome land problems is with stabilization. Stabilization of this clay is done in a chemical way with ash, coconut palm oil, and cement. The objective of this research is to know power support land for value strong shift land clay with variation mixing ash bunch coconut palm oil 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and cement 10% with a curing period of 7 days, then sample tested using direct shear test equipment SNI 3420: 2016. Results study show that on addition mixture of ash bunch coconut palm oil and cement with grades 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and cement grades 10%, cohesion increases on percentage 20% of ash bunch coconut palm and cement, namely 0.5448 kg/cm2, compared to mark cohesion in the soil original as big as 0.0081 kg/cm2, happen increase as big as 98.51%, and value corner shift of 53.12°, whereas mark corner shift in the land original is 16.93°. The conclusions of this research are that strong shift land clay with the addition of ash, coconut palm oil, and cement can increase the strength of strong shear and power support land clay. And advice from this research is that it is necessary to do another test with mixed materials in other variations, for example, in combination with fly ash, lime, and materials stabilizers


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How to Cite

Waluyo, T., Anggraini, M., & Dwi Putri, L. (2023). The Shear Strength of Clay Stabilized with Palm Bunch Ash and Cement . Civilla : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Lamongan, 8(2), 215–222.

