Implementasi Data Mining Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Apriori Pada Toko Dhurroh Elektronik


  • Syafrianto Syafrianto STMIK Nusa Mandirii
  • Durotun Ayniyah



Data Mining, Apriori Algorithm


In the business world, every store must of course be able to compete and think about how the store can continue to grow and be able to expand its business scale. In order to increase sales of products sold, business actors must have various strategies. One way is by utilizing all sales transaction data that has occurred in the store itself. Dhurroh Elektronik store is a store that sells various kinds of goods such as cellphone accessories. Management of sales data in this store is still done manually, namely by recording sales data in the sales book or sometimes when serving purchases just remembering it. The obstacle faced is that it is difficult to find out where the goods are not in accordance with the behavior of consumers' habits in buying goods at the same time. Based on the above problems, it is necessary to have a calculation to group data items based on their tendencies that appear together in a transaction with Data Mining calculations using the Apriori Algorithm method. The results of the calculation of the items that are most in-demand are if you buy a headset, you will buy a lamp with a 100% confidence value and 19% support, if you buy a radio you will buy a lamp with a 71% confidence value and 16% support, if you buy a data cable, you will buy a flashlight. with a 71% Confidence value and 16% Support, If you buy a battery, you will buy a Flashlight with a 71% Confidence value and 16% Support. Keywords: Data Mining, Apriori Algorithm..


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Author Biography

Syafrianto Syafrianto, STMIK Nusa Mandirii



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How to Cite

Syafrianto, S., & Ayniyah, D. (2021). Implementasi Data Mining Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Apriori Pada Toko Dhurroh Elektronik. Jurnal Teknika, 13(2), 67–72.



Jurnal teknika